Orders and Refund Policy

Returns Made Easy!

Orders and Refund Policy

At Encore Technologies, your satisfaction is our priority. Most products can be returned or exchanged, provided they are in their original condition. If you have any questions or would like to start a return or exchange, contact us at support@encoretechinc.com within 15 days of receiving your purchase.

To return or exchange an item, please follow these steps:

  1. Send an email to support@encoretechinc.com with your return or exchange request.
  2. You’ll receive a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number within 2-5 business days.
  3. Ship the item(s) back in their original packaging, including all accessories.
    • The packaging should be free from any writing or labels.
    • Items missing accessories will not be accepted.
  4. Write the RMA number only on the shipping label, not directly on the box.
  5. Once our warehouse receives and inspects the items to confirm they’re in original condition, a refund will be issued.
  6. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer.
  7. A 10% restocking fee will apply to all returned items.

Note: Merchants using our Software Services and POS System must create a merchant account with Encore Tech Inc.’s partnered payment processor. Use of third-party processors is not allowed.

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